Saturday, August 10, 2013

UNACHI - Fourth Year Students - Task 1. Read the article below and post your comments about it. Include the following information: five key terms and definitions, five important characteristics of a great teacher mentioned, how you can become a great teacher.

The Art of Being a Better ESL Teacher
ESL Teaching Methodology

Quotes by my students made about other teachers:

“Most teachers are douches!”

“My teacher doesn’t live in reality.”

“My teacher can’t answer a question without the teacher book.”

Let’s face it. Not everyone is cut out to be a teacher. It required lots of planning, gets minimal compensation, endless bureaucracy and the teacher meetings make it a rather thankless job, not only that but generally our roles are under-appreciated by everyone in society. So the obvious question is: why do we become teachers?

However, for the rest of us the answer should be self-evident. (And no, it’s not because we hate money, either!) We teach because we can’t do anything else, or simply don’t want to. ;)
For whatever assumptions we may have for why we started, and for whatever other reasons we continue to do so – there are a few things we should consider, for our sakes, the sake of society and our students. Let’s face it, study after study has proven that the quality an education a student gets is specifically based upon one thing: the quality of teacher in front of the class.
So… what does it mean to be ‘The Best Teacher’?  The obvious top-8 list below is just that. Obvious. However, without an understanding of the foundation needed to make the transformation from good to great!  We can’t answer our own question without understanding what good teachers do.
  1. a good teacher is always prepared.
  2. a good teacher knows exactly where they’re taking the class – both on that day and globally.
  3. a good teacher challenges their students to look at opposing and/or challenging viewpoints.
  4. a good teacher forms strong relationships with their students, and sees them as more than a paycheck.
  5. a good teacher knows their materials, their subject and how to present it in an interesting way.
  6. a good teacher talks with their students to see how they’re doing as individuals and as a group.
  7. a good teacher challenges their students to become better.
  8. a good teacher never shouts at their students.
“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” ~William Arthur Ward
Barry Stevens writes about an incident when her husband was in charge of a pediatric ward in a New York hospital in the twenties. “There was an infant whom none of the doctors could find anything wrong with, but all of them agreed the infant was dying. My husband spoke privately to a young nurse who loved babies. He swore her to secrecy before telling her what he wanted her to do. The secret was, ‘Take care of this baby as if it were your own. Just love it.’ At that time love was nonsense even to psychologists . . . .The baby took hold and survived. All the doctors agreed on that”.
If we take into account this singular account from the book Successful Psychotherapy: A Loving, Caring Relationship (1997). C. H. Patterson & S. C. Hidore, then we can apply this to classroom dynamics and update our list of what it means to be a good teacher, and so without further ado, this is what it means to be a great! teacher:
  1. a great teacher puts themselves in the position of their student

    • this means, the teacher needs to understand with empathy where each student is at – emotionally, physically, professionally and/or as a student. They can be proud and afraid of making mistakes or perhaps they’re lazy and need higher degrees of motivation. Each student has more than one subject (or has their job/family/children/sports/etc that make them who they are as people), and most probably they won’t remember everything every teacher ever taught them – but! they will remember the teachers who cared about them as students/people.
  2. the teacher’s awareness of student-incongruence

    • this means that every student has a good day, and a bad day – just like you as a teacher. A great teacher should be motivating their students to the best of their abilities – for who they are on that day. If a student just won $10,000 in a ERASMUS exchange scholarship they will react to you a bit different than if their grandma died or if they failed an important exam. Your job is to not negate the validity of those emotions – which would make your student inhuman – but to accept the emotions your students are going through and to tactfully bring them on topic so they can cope with their problems and develop their linguistic skills, which will help them in their lives. Step 2 is impossible without first being aware of the need to care about your students as human beings.
  3. teacher genuineness

    • students can spot a fake, 100 miles away. Even if you’re having an off-day as a teacher, which we can all admit can happen to all of us, it still doesn’t mean that your class will be a total disaster. First off, it should be ostensible that your class is not your therapist and you should never cross that professional border, however – you can still frame the disaster in a way that lets your students know that you care about them as individuals and that you’re there to help them. Teacher’s aren’t perfect, don’t know everything and make mistakes. Admitting this can help bring you closer to your class.  Why? Because most teachers can’t admit to something like this – and everyone knows that it’s impossible for someone to be perfect. (AUTHOR’S NOTE: We’ve already talked about the points of what it means to be a good teacher, so failure to understand your materials doesn’t necessarily that making mistakes will make you a better teacher.)
  4. unconditional positive regard

    • the teacher accepts the student unconditionally for the person in front of you, understanding that that student needs your help to fulfill their dreams, ambitions, desires or wishes. It’s not our job as teachers to judge people as being right or wrong in their beliefs – but to help them develop as individuals and although we can challenge their beliefs for discussion’s sake – we should ultimately accept them as people similar to us. For universal emotions such as love, hate, fear, jealousy and ecstasy are shared by all of us. Finding out what those similarities are and developing the connection between each other is the first step to creating a positive relationship with anyone.
  5. methodological pluralism

    • Howard Garner speaks about multiple intelligences so often, he has a tendency to come up with a new one all the time. Yet, how does that really affect us in the classroom? To be honest, if you can’t have an unconditional positive regard for your student, then any methodology you use is a waste of time – regardless of whichintelligence you are trying to aim for. I would purport that the emotional charge that people come to study with is at least as important as multiple intelligences – if not more so. Why? For the simple plain fact that, if you can’t teach to the student sitting in front of you that day, with those emotions at that moment, and for the purposes that they’re searching for on the basis of common understanding that they are a person with dreams, feelings, emotions and ambitions but need understanding – then it doesn’t really matter how good your methodology is. Methodological pluralism is the idea that you are prepared for any emotional state that your students may be in, an ability to recognize those emotions as being real and valid, having a positive regard for them and being prepared to help them accomplish their linguistic goals. Not YOUR linguistic goals – theirs. That means you need to change your methodology to suit the student in front of you – for the person they are at that moment.
  6. student perception

    • student perception is a form of feedback for the teacher. A great teacher is highly empathetic and should be to such a degree that students know they care about them as people. As such, after following the first 5 steps – your students should then be able to open up, share more, work harder on their language and ultimately walk out of your classroom with a smile on their face saying “I feel great.” Doing so, will help them make more progress than trying to put a square peg (YOUR! lesson plan) in a round hole (their emotions).
Being a teacher ins’t a popularity contest, and your students aren’t there as your therapists. Ultimately, you should be able to guide your students in a direction which show that you admire them as people, give them the proper attention they need in a teacher-student relationship and the affirmations that they can and will succeed in their adventures learning whatever language you may be teaching.
I would love to hear what else you would put inside your list of being a great teacher and what you’re doing to become even greater!

Written by Josh - Pirate, Hero & ESL Activity Mastermind

when Josh isn't working on - well, let's just say working... - he plays with his Golden Retriever Mishka, learns another foreign language, rock climbs or enthusiastically does something to make himself even more interesting than he is today. :)


  1. Our educational system has plans and programs that claim that education should be flexible, permanent, continuous and systematic, reason for which requires the student to be reflective, analytical, critical and competent. Reason forcing the teacher to get better every day.
    Society demands that students acquire quality learning, meaningful learning, and competent to act throughout life.
    The teacher should be clear about the following terms.
    1. Methodology: rational set of procedures used to achieve a range of objectives that govern the teaching-learning process, requiring skills, knowledge or specific care
    2. Methodological pluralism: the idea that you are prepared for any emotional state that students may be in, the ability to recognize emotions as real and valid, with a positive sense for them and be prepared to help achieve their language goals
    3. Planning: means studying advance its objectives and actions, and support their actions not on hunches but with some method, technical or logical plans define objectives and establish appropriate procedures to achieve them.
    4. Learning: acquisition of knowledge, skills, values ​​and attitudes, made possible through study, education or experience.
    5. Multiple Intelligences: the ability to solve problems or develop skills that are valuable in several scopes such as music, math etc..
    What features should have or good teacher?

    Being well prepared in their subject.
    - Teacher must select and develop materials, strategies, and choosing a methodology that makes his class interesting.
    - Teacher must bring their students to the analysis and to give his own point of view
    - Theacher should see their students as the most important subject and object of the class.
    - Encourage students to be better.

    How to achieve a good teacher?

    It manages to be a good attitude demonstrates the challenges and challenges you have in front of their classes, putting in place of their students, knowing their needs problems, being empathetic with them, recognizing that makes mistakes and evaluating their performance.
    This will make the students feel that the teacher sees them as important individuals within the classroom, they have not come there to just fill them with knowledge but to develop their abilities, skills and attitudes to become better students and better people.

  2. Key terms:
    Teach: is somebody who know something and show or give instruction, impart knowledge of a subject, skill, etc.
    Methodology: is the systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field of study, or the theoretical analysis of the body of methods and principles associated with a branch of knowledge.
    Inspires: is to have an animating or uplifting influence on somebody or to act as a stimulus for somebody that to cause to feel a particular emotion.
    Motivation: is give motivating or being motivated; a motivating force or incentive that directs one`s action towards achieving a desired goal; a motive.
    Be prepared: is to be prepared ready beforehand for specific purpose, as for an event or occasion: The teacher prepared the students for the exams.

    Characteristic of a great teacher
    - A great teacher puts themselves in the position of their student.
    - A great teacher has unconditional positive regard.
    - A great teacher always is prepared.
    - A great teacher knows their materials, their subject and how to present it in an interesting way.
    - A great teacher inspire at their students and never at their students.

    How you can become a great teacher?
    I would be a great teacher if I use my knowledge to teach others and motivate, inspire or arouse desire that they like the subject and do not feel rejection or fear of it. That`s why I think it is very important that if I want to be a great teacher I have to always be prepared to give my class with a dynamic material and relevant to the students so that they can learn well for life and not for the time, and I should be a person who understands and listens to students so they can see in my a friend not an enemy, also to be a great teacher should be a happy person with a good sense of humor that always keep that attitude with all students; should be friendly to everyone and not have favorites that`s why I have to be fair, I should be sympathetic to the students not assigning many tasks and I should note that they give more materials and above all respect the opinion or judgment of my students. In summary if I want to be a great teacher I put myself I the place of the student.

  3. By Elena Vasilievna Militsa de Rodrìguez.

    In my opinion to be a good teacher requires the use of certain abilities and skills. If they are not innate than can be learned in different subjects of education. In matters of education we can learn much about the methods, techniques, educational strategies, they can serve as a guide in our daily work as teachers. The today teaching- learning process is very different from a few years ago. Teacher can use or apply methods in classroom where students can actively participate in acquisition of knowledge. For that the teacher has to serve as a guide or intermediary between the student and knowledge. Here are two sides: students and knowledge or rather the goals of teaching. Than teacher should be clear everything about their students and also of their subject. So in the article the author mentions certain characteristics that great teacher must has such as: 1) be prepared every day for your class, never to improvise in classroom, in this way the teacher must be guided by the planning of the day, week, or month to achieve the goals of learning in their students. With this purpose the good teacher should makes a preliminary evaluation to find out which level of knowledge their students have and in supports your explanations in following evaluations , so we can discuss the article point where it says “a good teacher knows exactly where they’re taking the class – both on that day and globally”.2) Other important characteristic of excellent teacher is make or suggest to think, guess, reflect, meditate, debate about learning topic, as in article says:” a good teacher challenges their students to look at opposing and/or challenging viewpoints”.3) Besides the teacher must has empathy with their students, regarding them not only as the object of his work, but also as human beings. They feel, think and act according to their social and family environment and sometimes each student can has good day and bad day as well teacher too. This include that a good teacher cares their students, helps in difficult tasks for they, and treats all as equal person.4) also other characteristic is the teachers must has patience, tolerance and never shouts at their students.5) and finally the good teacher makes students learn difficult terms in a way that seems easy and gets that students are well motivate to learn and have a significant learning for their future.
    Key terms:
    Methodological pluralism is the thesis that the use of not only multiple theoretical models but also multiple methodological approaches in the course of educational practice.
    Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of oneself, of others, and of groups.
    Teacher genuineness is the ability to accept own mistakes and improve.
    Unconditional positive regard is ability to have tolerance each to others and improve interpersonal relationships.
    The teacher’s awareness of student-incongruence is means that teachers and students have good days and bad days and proceed according that.

  4. Leonel Quijada
    Key terms :
     Evident: easy or clear to see or understand. The full extent of her injuries did not become evident until they tried to move her.
     Reason: justification: an explanation or justification for something refused to give a reason for her behavior.
     Motive: a motive or cause for acting or thinking in a particular way His only reason for going was that she would be there.

     Methodology: the methods or organizing principles underlying a particular art, science, or other area of study.

     Transformation: a complete change, usually into something with an improved appearance or usefulness.

    Characteristics of a great teacher:
     A great teacher has professional Ethics.
     A great teacher always tries to motivate his students to be good professionals.
     A great teacher is friendly, responsible, joyful and hopeful.
     A great teacher tries to understand her students and inspires to them.
     A great teacher makes his class very interesting and to wish them good luck.

    How you can become a great teacher.
    A great teacher has objectives very clear and written.
    A great teacher arrives to his classroom very early, to teach.
    A great teacher organizes the lesson to give to his students.
    A great teacher always is prepared and to fulfill his responsibility.

  5. Five key words and definitions:
    1. Methodology: is the systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field of study, or the theoretical analysis of the body of methods and principles associated with a branch of knowledge.
    2. Teacher Awareness: The ability of the teacher to be aware of what is going on in the classroom and anticipate what might happen if the present actions continue is a key to a positive and productive learning environment.
    3. Teacher genuineness: it is the way to teach by the teacher sincerely felt or expressed; not pretended.
    4. Student perceptions: refers to interpretation of what students take in through their senses. The way we perceive our environment is what makes us different from other animals and different from each other.
    5. Awareness: states of elementary or undifferentiated consciousness.

    Some five important characteristics of a great teacher:
    1) A great teacher puts themselves in the position of their student.
    2) The teacher’s awareness of student-incongruence.
    3) Teacher genuineness.
    4) Unconditional positive regard.
    5) Methodological pluralism.

    How you can become a great teacher?
    To become a great teacher we have to know about the importance on this matter like an essential part in the education system because to be great teacher is not so easy but neither difficult, just we have to put in practice some important aspect such as: be clearly and objective organized in connection with the student being so the listener prepare them to think and give theirs opinions. The teacher before to teach he must know thoroughly the theme and be confidence, consistent and mainly love the subject with a great passion, expectations for all students, taking into consideration that teaching should be communicative frequently and training for the students as consumers of knowledge.

    By Edgardo Miranda M

    1- Teaching method: A teaching method comprises the principles and methods used for instruction. Commonly used teaching methods may include class participation, demonstration, recitation, memorization, or combinations of these.
    2-Incongruence means: behavior which reveals discrepancies between what is felt and what is said or enacted; behaviour which is experienced as inauthentic.
    3-Planning: The process of setting goals, developing strategies, and outlining tasks and schedules to accomplish the goals.
    4-Student perception: Is when students evaluate the extent to which the instructor planned and organized the course, course materials, and class presentations, as well as the instructor’s knowledge of the content and the behavior of the teacher with his students.
    5-A good teacher: is one who is able to bond with his/her students, to understand and to resonate with their feelings and emotions. A good teacher has a positive mental attitude, is flexible and is open to change. A good teacher should also be a role model to the students.
    1-A great teacher is this person that always is prepared for to do a good job and give the best of her/ him.
    2- a great teacher is one who first question before judging , because he/ she put in position of the students.
    3- A great teacher demonstrates confidence with his / her students.
    4-A Great teacher has a good attitude with her/his students and he / she always think in help his/ her students.
    5- for a great teacher is important practice the values and try that the students learn through of examples , he / she puts like example his /her life for to has a good communication with the students.

  7. This article is talking about how teacher can become good teacher, it is clear that as a teacher everyone try to give the best for acquire this characteristic; therefore, in this article there are some aspect that a teacher need to take in account to become good teacher for example: a good teacher is well prepare, create good relationship with his/her students, know how to teach the material, etc. so, it is important that the teachers know about this characteristic and can put in practice in the classroom, and this way can impart the lesson successfully.

    Key terms
    ESL: ESL stands for English as a Second Language. An ESL program has teachers that are bilingual help students to develop their speaking, writing, reading, and understanding the English language.
    Genuineness: Genuineness refers to the quality of being genuine. The term genuine is an adjective that means possessing the alleged or apparent attribute or character. It could also mean free from hypocrisy or dishonesty.
    Good teacher: good teacher is one who is able to bond with his/her students, to understand and to resonate with their feelings and emotions. A good teacher has a positive mental attitude, is flexible and is open to change.
    Methodology: is the systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field of study, or the theoretical analysis of the body of methods and principles associated with a branch of knowledge.
    Teacher Awareness: The ability of the teacher to be aware of what is going on in the classroom and anticipate what might happen if the present actions continue is a key to a positive and productive learning environment. This awareness deals with physical, academic, and relational factors.

    Five important characteristics of a great teacher
    A good teacher displays self confidence.
    A good teacher is prepared.
    A good teacher listens.
    A good teacher motivates his/her student.
    A good teacher has a passion for teaching.

    How you can become a great teacher.
    Well, to become a great teacher is very important in teachers life even it is not easy but when teachers achieve this challenge make them to be admired by their students that is why, what I can do to become a great teacher is, first of all, to be well clear if I like to teach or not, after I have decided if I like, it will be easy for me to prepare very well my lesson, passion to impart the lesson, to give effective classroom management,to create good relationship with my students including them in conversation, to Make sure if all of my students understand what I am teaching, to add a little love to every activity I teach. Fallowing these characteristic I can become a great teacher.

  8. Key Terms
    1. Self-evident: containing its own evidence or proof without need of further demonstration.
    2. Relationship: the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected.
    3. Success: the achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted.
    4. Feedback: the return of information about the result of a process or activity; an evaluative response:
    5. Attention: concentration of the mental powers upon an object; a close or careful observing or listening.
    1. Student perception: it is a form of feedback of the student. The student will transmit a good feeling because the teacher provide it, thus student will be more interest in the class and able to do any practice or activity that teacher give.
    2. Unconditional positive regards: teacher accepts students unconditional as a person that make mistakes, teachers are not judge to critique all bad things on a students, but teacher can help them to develop as a individuals. This makes a connection and good relationship among teachers and students.
    3. Teachers put themselves in the position of their students: this means, the teacher needs to understand with empathy where each student is at – emotionally, physically, professionally and/or as a student.
    4. The teacher’s awareness of student-incongruence: this means that every student has a good day, and a bad day, just like you as a teacher. A good teacher motivate to their students in their abilities, on this manner students will feel that teacher understand their situation, accept emotions students are going through and to tactfully bring them on topic so they can cope with their problems and develop their linguistic skills, which will help them in their lives.
    5. Teacher genuineness: students should know that teacher is a person that will help them when they need. Teachers are not perfect, and also make mistakes as any person, if teachers accept and show this can help bring close to the class.

    Personal opinion
    I think to become a great teacher is a harder work, but it is not impossible. We should have in our mind that we were students; to understand the correct necessities, emotions, motivations are important factors that we to take in consideration to make a good relationship with students. I’ll be a good teacher help students when they do not understand, motivate them to fulfill their dreams, and to try understand them when they fall in an exam, because there are other things that can contribute in this.

  9. Key Terms
    1. Self-evident: containing its own evidence or proof without need of further demonstration.
    2. Relationship: the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected.
    3. Success: the achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted.
    4. Feedback: the return of information about the result of a process or activity; an evaluative response:
    5. Attention: concentration of the mental powers upon an object; a close or careful observing or listening.
    1. Student perception: it is a form of feedback of the student. The student will transmit a good feeling because the teacher provide it, thus student will be more interest in the class and able to do any practice or activity that teacher give.
    2. Unconditional positive regards: teacher accepts students unconditional as a person that make mistakes, teachers are not judge to critique all bad things on a students, but teacher can help them to develop as a individuals. This makes a connection and good relationship among teachers and students.
    3. Teachers put themselves in the position of their students: this means, the teacher needs to understand with empathy where each student is at – emotionally, physically, professionally and/or as a student.
    4. The teacher’s awareness of student-incongruence: this means that every student has a good day, and a bad day, just like you as a teacher. A good teacher motivate to their students in their abilities, on this manner students will feel that teacher understand their situation, accept emotions students are going through and to tactfully bring them on topic so they can cope with their problems and develop their linguistic skills, which will help them in their lives.
    5. Teacher genuineness: students should know that teacher is a person that will help them when they need. Teachers are not perfect, and also make mistakes as any person, if teachers accept and show this can help bring close to the class.

    Personal opinion
    I think to become a great teacher is a harder work, but it is not impossible. We should have in our mind that we were students; to understand the correct necessities, emotions, motivations are important factors that we to take in consideration to make a good relationship with students. I’ll be a good teacher help students when they do not understand, motivate them to fulfill their dreams, and to try understand them when they fall in an exam, because there are other things that can contribute in this.
